All the old economic yardsticks no longer apply. We are in an era of growing economic statecraft and we have no idea how it will be applied. Is that good or bad for PM's. I have no idea.
It is interesting that gold has suddenly gotten so much attention. I think it speaks to the atavistic appeal of gold, its intuitive and congenital sense of value.
That conjecture may be put to the test soon if the US Treasury gold holdings are audited and publicized. The reaction will be fascinating to see.
Imagine, for example, if the US owns no gold. Would anyone care? Considering that historically most people don’t understand gold’s alleged “value”, and the comfort most seem to feel about the dollar being a physically worthless fiat currency, it would suggest that few would care. But I actually think those very same people actually would - and very much so - even though they may not be able to articulate why. That would be an example of proof that gold has intrinsic value. It wouldn’t explain why, but it would prove that it does.
(Interestingly, based upon Trump’s own rhetorical speculation that the US has none, he would consider it more of an exposure of fraud than a real monetary or geo-political threat. I believe he believes that strongly in the US and, by extension, the dollar. Of course he would prefer that the US does own gold, lest all the more need for a sovereign wealth fund.)
One could argue that the same reaction would occur for any amount of gold that is less than expected. Supposedly the US has about 8100 tons, but if it turns out it actually has less I think it would matter to most people. But what’s interesting to me is it would matter to those who claimed to not care about gold a priori.
Now imagine a different possibility; that the US has significantly more gold than expected. In that case I think it would also matter, but for a different reason. It would raise many questions, a main one being the need for the US to have secreted that fact?
I raise these points because I believe the answers determine how gold will be treated and valued going forward. That will be interesting too.
Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Gold is smelling trouble somewhere in the system. Most of the recent gold push has come from central banks themselves. Here is istory all should know....
Tariffs? Bulldust! 👏 300x the paper GOLD versus REAL METAL. Not 3x... 3 HUNDRED. This is Pass the Parcel as "owners" discover the Perils of "Rehypothecation"... Go & search THAT TERM... OMG! 🤣
IN THE END, when the dust settles, is all this US Incoming Au simply Fort Knox assets returning?
The shift toward investors 'standing for delivery' of physical gold is the big sea change. Over the past 10 weeks, the world has witnessed large physical gold bullion flows into the US from all parts of the globe.
The CEO of US financial services company StoneX, that has a large commodity trading division, estimates that more than 2,000 tons (56M oz.) of gold have been moved into the US over the past 8 weeks. The vault stocks of gold in NY COMEX vaults have reported increases of approximately 20 million (M) oz.
So 36M+ oz. of gold have gone elsewhere than just COMEX vaults. At $2,500 / oz 36M oz implies $90 BILLION in purchases / deliveries.
Who has that kind of money to invest in a short period of time? Short covering by Bullion Banks or another large player needing to fill their vault?
It also seems the gold lease rate has skyrocketed recently. Could be this is fueling a lot of carry traders needing to lay hands on physical in order to return it.
seems to me, yes, those short gold may need to pay to lease gold so they can cover their short. But leasing gold is stop gap and they need to get the gold to return it. If those short gold exceed available supply, those short have a real problem. some European bullion banks (or BOE) may be in jeopardy - rumor is US bull banks are net long.
No, what I'm saying is the other way around. The carry trade borrows gold and sells it to invest in other things. People who leased gold and then sold it now need to return that leased gold, and are trying to buy it for that purpose.
International Public Notice: The Two Exchange Systems
We call these two disparate things "exchange systems" instead of calling them "monetary systems" in hopes of dispelling the idea that fiat "legal tender" is "money".
It's not.
Money, by definition, has intrinsic commodity value in and of itself.
Like a gold coin. Gold has value as a commodity in its own right. That's why a gold coin is considered "money". The exchange of such physical asset-based money results in international trade. By its nature, actual money is "inelastic" --- the amount of money available is limited by the availability of the commodities used as money.
It is this inelastic quality of physical asset-based money that has caused most modern economies to adopt the use of "legal tender" also known as "commercial script" or "fiat money". The use of purely symbolic credits and debits allows "infinite" expansion and contraction of the (ahem!) monetary system. It also changes the venue of the transactions. Exchanges based on debits and credits result in commerce, not international trade, taking place.
From the standpoint of those masquerading as our government, the use of legal tender is preferable to the use of actual money for a number of reasons.
(1) Commodity-backed money requires stockpiling of the commodity being used as money -- traditionally gold and silver. Someone has to pay for the currency commodity and for warehousing and accounting for it;
(2) Commodity supplies are, by their nature, finite. This causes built in cycles of inflation and deflation of currencies as populations and economies fluctuate relative to the supplies of gold and/or silver;
(3) It's difficult if not impossible to hide embezzlement on a large scale in a traditional monetary system, but a fiat system allows abundant accounting mischief. So-called "money of account" can appear and disappear as easily as entering or deleting numbers from a spreadsheet;
(4) Exchanges in fiat credit-debit systems result in commerce, not international trade --- and commerce, precisely, "interstate commerce" is regulated by the Federal Government.
Adopting (and coercing the American Public to accept) a legal tender system literally forces everyone to act in commerce and subjects us all to Federal regulation.
Instituting a legal tender system back in 1913 and adoption of the Federal Reserve Scheme accomplished all these changes and delivered all these dubious benefits and redefinitions to the Perpetrators overnight.
It also provided a means to allege a public ownership interest in all the assets and labor of the people who were "enfranchised" as US Corporation franchises, as a result of being forced to participate in regulated commerce via the use of a legal tender exchange system.
One of the other oddities of the use of legal tender (fiat "money") is that it requires both parties exchanging this legal tender to be incorporated entities, thus, a living man or woman can never engage in commerce.
Only corporations can use legal tender and engage in transactions in the realm of commerce.
Knowingly or not, everyone forced to participate in this fiat exchange system has been enfranchised, as in Dairy Queen franchise, and impersonated as a corporation of some kind.
So, as the greedy banks quietly "exchanged" their I.O.U.s (Federal Reserve (Promissory) Notes) for actual United States Silver Dollars -- a blatantly inequitable exchange of nearly-nothing for something of actual substance and value, the living people of this country were also being "impersonated" as corporations, redefined as franchises of the USA, Incorporated, and later, as franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC.
As American Nationals of the Several States, each man and woman in this country owns their own land and a share in all public infrastructure in their State of the Union; they are also owed all the Constitutional services and guarantees, and they retain ownership of their own earnings and property interests. They aren't operating as franchises of any corporation and they are not presumed to be voluntarily engaging in any form of regulated commerce.
U.S. Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States" -- also known as Fourteenth Amendment citizens, are not parties to the Federal Constitutions they serve under, and are not protected by any Constitution. They are not even considered to be people, but are instead rated as "persons" and "personnel" --- that is, corporations and corporation franchises operated by foreign (not American) parent corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia, Scotland, or other foreign locations.
Technically, it's these "persons" who are supposed to be the franchises of the USA, Incorporated, and the UNITED STATES, INC., and termed "Federal Dual Citizens" ----- not us; the problem is that in forcing the Federal Reserve System on the entire country, they were also tempted to redefine Americans as franchisees, in order to: (1) latch onto our labor and physical assets, and (2) make their legal tender scheme work, and (3) also to gain coercive power over their Employers via the pretense that we were all knowingly engaged in commerce regulated by their version of U.S. Congress.
They accomplished this "enfranchisement" of Americans by enacting a law purportedly pertaining only to Federal Citizens and their dependents, requiring "birth registrations" under the Sheppard Towner Act. They promptly misapplied this legislation to everyone in sight, got the American Mothers to unknowingly (because they lacked full disclosure) sign their babies over as Wards of the State-of-State, to waive their infant's birthright estate as an American State National, and to enfranchise them as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen instead.
Because the American Mothers didn't know that they had done any such thing, they couldn't later tell their grown children; because the victims were babies at the time, they couldn't know that any such thing had happened, either, and therefore, could never contest it or exercise their "reversionary trust interest".
This unlawful and unconscionable conversion of political status has then been used as the basis to claim that the American victim is an franchisee of the British Crown, a literal impersonation which then also allows all the other False Legal Presumptions and False Claims in Commerce that have been misapplied to us and to our assets and our credit as well.
The template for this criminal scheme was forged in England under Queen Victoria, who authorized exactly this kind of "enfranchisement" of the British Working Class as a means of latching onto the value of their labor and other private assets as collateral backing her invasion of India. This is how she financed the British Territorial Raj.
The same exact template was applied here, throughout the former Commonwealth, and in the seventeen Western European nations occupied (and still illegally occupied) by the Allies following World War II, as well as Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya.....
The so-called Legal Tender Laws applied to British Territorial and Municipal citizens of the United States, misapplied to Americans, and the Federal Reserve System as a whole, have been used to expedite this gigantic identity theft and impersonation racket on our shores.
This is all clearly in violation of their service contracts --- the Federal Constitutions which require "good faith service" --- and has been done in gross Breach of Trust.
It all hinges on their misuse of commercial paper and credit-debit exchange systems, the "impersonation" of living people as corporations, and the resulting illegal latching upon private assets for use as public sector collateral.
An actual monetary system exchanges one commodity for another, substance for substance, and the Law of Kinds is obeyed.
A debt-credit system is most often instituted by an illegal and immoral seizure of actual assets via "Legal Tender Laws" that impose an inequitable exchange for paper of some kind, as we see in the Emergency Banking Act of 1934, establishing an exchange rate of one Federal Reserve Note for one United States Silver Dollar --- that is, a paper I.O.U. issued by a banking cartel deceptively calling itself the "Federal Reserve" in inequitable exchange for an ounce of refined and hallmarked pure silver.
After this initial fraud and transfer of actual wealth takes place, the villains responsible typically try to make up the "difference" they owe by promoting war-for-profit schemes that allow them to rob a new set of victims under the pretense of war and right of conquest -- which is what actually causes the perpetual war narrative we have all been living under.
In its essence, this entire system -- the Federal Reserve System and any other such legal tender system functions unlawfully, illegally, and immorally -- by seizure of private assets including labor assets, for payment of foreign public debts.
When labor assets are "securitized" it results in a "legalized" system of peonage and enslavement, based on the idea that it is not illegal to subject a corporation to such treatment -- though it must also be admitted that no corporation, being a legal fiction, can be presumed to have labor assets of its own.
It's all fraud, in other words.
It is not unlawful or illegal to exchange one commodity for another of equitable value. It is not unlawful or illegal for a corporation to exchange a credit for a debt and vice versa.
The error and the crime occurs when living people are denigrated and "redefined" in order to fit the exchange system, and what is actual and factual, or in legal terms, "substantial", is exchanged for
Fascinating. I deny all & sundry; Gov, Corp or individual Claims on my Soveriegnty, I possess & claim all Rights pertaining to my existence & offer zero Consent to any Organisation, Group or Persons, nor do I acknowledge, nor accept any Suzerainty over me. Oh yeah, and They can Rule My Dead Corpus, only. Cheers!
Prechter's EWT has gold topping in a 5th wave here.
seems like everyone is too bullish for gold and silver
All the old economic yardsticks no longer apply. We are in an era of growing economic statecraft and we have no idea how it will be applied. Is that good or bad for PM's. I have no idea.
I own lots of gold but wouldn’t buy at these levels. It’s due for a correction. Miners are still cheap as well as oil and gas stocks.
It is interesting that gold has suddenly gotten so much attention. I think it speaks to the atavistic appeal of gold, its intuitive and congenital sense of value.
That conjecture may be put to the test soon if the US Treasury gold holdings are audited and publicized. The reaction will be fascinating to see.
Imagine, for example, if the US owns no gold. Would anyone care? Considering that historically most people don’t understand gold’s alleged “value”, and the comfort most seem to feel about the dollar being a physically worthless fiat currency, it would suggest that few would care. But I actually think those very same people actually would - and very much so - even though they may not be able to articulate why. That would be an example of proof that gold has intrinsic value. It wouldn’t explain why, but it would prove that it does.
(Interestingly, based upon Trump’s own rhetorical speculation that the US has none, he would consider it more of an exposure of fraud than a real monetary or geo-political threat. I believe he believes that strongly in the US and, by extension, the dollar. Of course he would prefer that the US does own gold, lest all the more need for a sovereign wealth fund.)
One could argue that the same reaction would occur for any amount of gold that is less than expected. Supposedly the US has about 8100 tons, but if it turns out it actually has less I think it would matter to most people. But what’s interesting to me is it would matter to those who claimed to not care about gold a priori.
Now imagine a different possibility; that the US has significantly more gold than expected. In that case I think it would also matter, but for a different reason. It would raise many questions, a main one being the need for the US to have secreted that fact?
I raise these points because I believe the answers determine how gold will be treated and valued going forward. That will be interesting too.
Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
Lots of allegations. Hmm.
Definitely wrong is: FED, the only privately run central bank in the world.
Italy, Spain, France to name a few.
Gold is smelling trouble somewhere in the system. Most of the recent gold push has come from central banks themselves. Here is istory all should know....
Tariffs? Bulldust! 👏 300x the paper GOLD versus REAL METAL. Not 3x... 3 HUNDRED. This is Pass the Parcel as "owners" discover the Perils of "Rehypothecation"... Go & search THAT TERM... OMG! 🤣
IN THE END, when the dust settles, is all this US Incoming Au simply Fort Knox assets returning?
The shift toward investors 'standing for delivery' of physical gold is the big sea change. Over the past 10 weeks, the world has witnessed large physical gold bullion flows into the US from all parts of the globe.
The CEO of US financial services company StoneX, that has a large commodity trading division, estimates that more than 2,000 tons (56M oz.) of gold have been moved into the US over the past 8 weeks. The vault stocks of gold in NY COMEX vaults have reported increases of approximately 20 million (M) oz.
So 36M+ oz. of gold have gone elsewhere than just COMEX vaults. At $2,500 / oz 36M oz implies $90 BILLION in purchases / deliveries.
Who has that kind of money to invest in a short period of time? Short covering by Bullion Banks or another large player needing to fill their vault?
The FedGov to fill up Fort Knox with the currently missing bullion.
It also seems the gold lease rate has skyrocketed recently. Could be this is fueling a lot of carry traders needing to lay hands on physical in order to return it.
seems to me, yes, those short gold may need to pay to lease gold so they can cover their short. But leasing gold is stop gap and they need to get the gold to return it. If those short gold exceed available supply, those short have a real problem. some European bullion banks (or BOE) may be in jeopardy - rumor is US bull banks are net long.
No, what I'm saying is the other way around. The carry trade borrows gold and sells it to invest in other things. People who leased gold and then sold it now need to return that leased gold, and are trying to buy it for that purpose.
🤔 errr, like FedGov? 😲... 🫣🤫
International Public Notice: The Two Exchange Systems
We call these two disparate things "exchange systems" instead of calling them "monetary systems" in hopes of dispelling the idea that fiat "legal tender" is "money".
It's not.
Money, by definition, has intrinsic commodity value in and of itself.
Like a gold coin. Gold has value as a commodity in its own right. That's why a gold coin is considered "money". The exchange of such physical asset-based money results in international trade. By its nature, actual money is "inelastic" --- the amount of money available is limited by the availability of the commodities used as money.
It is this inelastic quality of physical asset-based money that has caused most modern economies to adopt the use of "legal tender" also known as "commercial script" or "fiat money". The use of purely symbolic credits and debits allows "infinite" expansion and contraction of the (ahem!) monetary system. It also changes the venue of the transactions. Exchanges based on debits and credits result in commerce, not international trade, taking place.
From the standpoint of those masquerading as our government, the use of legal tender is preferable to the use of actual money for a number of reasons.
(1) Commodity-backed money requires stockpiling of the commodity being used as money -- traditionally gold and silver. Someone has to pay for the currency commodity and for warehousing and accounting for it;
(2) Commodity supplies are, by their nature, finite. This causes built in cycles of inflation and deflation of currencies as populations and economies fluctuate relative to the supplies of gold and/or silver;
(3) It's difficult if not impossible to hide embezzlement on a large scale in a traditional monetary system, but a fiat system allows abundant accounting mischief. So-called "money of account" can appear and disappear as easily as entering or deleting numbers from a spreadsheet;
(4) Exchanges in fiat credit-debit systems result in commerce, not international trade --- and commerce, precisely, "interstate commerce" is regulated by the Federal Government.
Adopting (and coercing the American Public to accept) a legal tender system literally forces everyone to act in commerce and subjects us all to Federal regulation.
Instituting a legal tender system back in 1913 and adoption of the Federal Reserve Scheme accomplished all these changes and delivered all these dubious benefits and redefinitions to the Perpetrators overnight.
It also provided a means to allege a public ownership interest in all the assets and labor of the people who were "enfranchised" as US Corporation franchises, as a result of being forced to participate in regulated commerce via the use of a legal tender exchange system.
One of the other oddities of the use of legal tender (fiat "money") is that it requires both parties exchanging this legal tender to be incorporated entities, thus, a living man or woman can never engage in commerce.
Only corporations can use legal tender and engage in transactions in the realm of commerce.
Knowingly or not, everyone forced to participate in this fiat exchange system has been enfranchised, as in Dairy Queen franchise, and impersonated as a corporation of some kind.
So, as the greedy banks quietly "exchanged" their I.O.U.s (Federal Reserve (Promissory) Notes) for actual United States Silver Dollars -- a blatantly inequitable exchange of nearly-nothing for something of actual substance and value, the living people of this country were also being "impersonated" as corporations, redefined as franchises of the USA, Incorporated, and later, as franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC.
As American Nationals of the Several States, each man and woman in this country owns their own land and a share in all public infrastructure in their State of the Union; they are also owed all the Constitutional services and guarantees, and they retain ownership of their own earnings and property interests. They aren't operating as franchises of any corporation and they are not presumed to be voluntarily engaging in any form of regulated commerce.
U.S. Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States" -- also known as Fourteenth Amendment citizens, are not parties to the Federal Constitutions they serve under, and are not protected by any Constitution. They are not even considered to be people, but are instead rated as "persons" and "personnel" --- that is, corporations and corporation franchises operated by foreign (not American) parent corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia, Scotland, or other foreign locations.
Technically, it's these "persons" who are supposed to be the franchises of the USA, Incorporated, and the UNITED STATES, INC., and termed "Federal Dual Citizens" ----- not us; the problem is that in forcing the Federal Reserve System on the entire country, they were also tempted to redefine Americans as franchisees, in order to: (1) latch onto our labor and physical assets, and (2) make their legal tender scheme work, and (3) also to gain coercive power over their Employers via the pretense that we were all knowingly engaged in commerce regulated by their version of U.S. Congress.
They accomplished this "enfranchisement" of Americans by enacting a law purportedly pertaining only to Federal Citizens and their dependents, requiring "birth registrations" under the Sheppard Towner Act. They promptly misapplied this legislation to everyone in sight, got the American Mothers to unknowingly (because they lacked full disclosure) sign their babies over as Wards of the State-of-State, to waive their infant's birthright estate as an American State National, and to enfranchise them as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen instead.
Because the American Mothers didn't know that they had done any such thing, they couldn't later tell their grown children; because the victims were babies at the time, they couldn't know that any such thing had happened, either, and therefore, could never contest it or exercise their "reversionary trust interest".
This unlawful and unconscionable conversion of political status has then been used as the basis to claim that the American victim is an franchisee of the British Crown, a literal impersonation which then also allows all the other False Legal Presumptions and False Claims in Commerce that have been misapplied to us and to our assets and our credit as well.
The template for this criminal scheme was forged in England under Queen Victoria, who authorized exactly this kind of "enfranchisement" of the British Working Class as a means of latching onto the value of their labor and other private assets as collateral backing her invasion of India. This is how she financed the British Territorial Raj.
The same exact template was applied here, throughout the former Commonwealth, and in the seventeen Western European nations occupied (and still illegally occupied) by the Allies following World War II, as well as Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya.....
The so-called Legal Tender Laws applied to British Territorial and Municipal citizens of the United States, misapplied to Americans, and the Federal Reserve System as a whole, have been used to expedite this gigantic identity theft and impersonation racket on our shores.
This is all clearly in violation of their service contracts --- the Federal Constitutions which require "good faith service" --- and has been done in gross Breach of Trust.
It all hinges on their misuse of commercial paper and credit-debit exchange systems, the "impersonation" of living people as corporations, and the resulting illegal latching upon private assets for use as public sector collateral.
An actual monetary system exchanges one commodity for another, substance for substance, and the Law of Kinds is obeyed.
A debt-credit system is most often instituted by an illegal and immoral seizure of actual assets via "Legal Tender Laws" that impose an inequitable exchange for paper of some kind, as we see in the Emergency Banking Act of 1934, establishing an exchange rate of one Federal Reserve Note for one United States Silver Dollar --- that is, a paper I.O.U. issued by a banking cartel deceptively calling itself the "Federal Reserve" in inequitable exchange for an ounce of refined and hallmarked pure silver.
After this initial fraud and transfer of actual wealth takes place, the villains responsible typically try to make up the "difference" they owe by promoting war-for-profit schemes that allow them to rob a new set of victims under the pretense of war and right of conquest -- which is what actually causes the perpetual war narrative we have all been living under.
In its essence, this entire system -- the Federal Reserve System and any other such legal tender system functions unlawfully, illegally, and immorally -- by seizure of private assets including labor assets, for payment of foreign public debts.
When labor assets are "securitized" it results in a "legalized" system of peonage and enslavement, based on the idea that it is not illegal to subject a corporation to such treatment -- though it must also be admitted that no corporation, being a legal fiction, can be presumed to have labor assets of its own.
It's all fraud, in other words.
It is not unlawful or illegal to exchange one commodity for another of equitable value. It is not unlawful or illegal for a corporation to exchange a credit for a debt and vice versa.
The error and the crime occurs when living people are denigrated and "redefined" in order to fit the exchange system, and what is actual and factual, or in legal terms, "substantial", is exchanged for
So enrolling your substack within John's?
Not sure if it's meant that way.
Fascinating. I deny all & sundry; Gov, Corp or individual Claims on my Soveriegnty, I possess & claim all Rights pertaining to my existence & offer zero Consent to any Organisation, Group or Persons, nor do I acknowledge, nor accept any Suzerainty over me. Oh yeah, and They can Rule My Dead Corpus, only. Cheers!
Cool. Maybe make it official. Join your local assembly if in Australia. Here are links to them and others