That chart is certainly showing us something that isn't being widely reported, but I don't think the problem is in the US (not that the US is peachy, it's just the prettiest horse in the glue factory).

I think the problem is in Europe, and it might be what starts the dissolution of the Euro and the EU. Tom Lluongo of Gold Goats and Guns has the receipts.

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Excellent update. Thank you!

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As an alternative to the coming crash of the post World War II U.S.$-based system, the BRICs are emerging with a new financial architecture: Trade Without Currency e.g. Saudi Arabia now trades oil for Chinese yuan. This idea originated with the Lyndon LaRouche plan "On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency", July 18, 2000.

See Executive Intelligence Review archive search engine.

As to why a Dollar Collapse is imminent, Google LaRouche's Triple Curve, a graphic used as a heuristic device to show the 50+year collapse of the physical economy of the U.S.A. caused by the August 15, 1971 abandonment of F.D.R.s Bretton Woods System: fixed currencies pegged to gold.

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Thanks for sharing John

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Well at least the US Treasury wants its own bonds, poor little things.

And it solves two problems at the same time: It not only helps bail out existing Treasury holders who have been wrong on the Fed's "lower funds rate" bandwagon, and it lowers the Treasury rates that most effect financial instruments like loan rates, despite the Fed's fund rate.

(Buying the bonds raises their prices (aka the bailout) and simultaneously lowers their market interest rate so prevailing benchmarked economic rates are lowered.)

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