Wow! It turns out that the Ukraine actually did blow up the NORD pipeline.

Martin Armstrong fans must be in a coma today. Seems that his LOTUS spreadsheet has a few kinks in it after all. I wonder if he just pulls a Donald and tells us everyone is lying?

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Take a look at v.dbg. Property in the Golden Triangle in BC, Canada. Massive footprint, near surface copper, gold, cobalt, silver, SCANDIUM, and a few more on the critical minerals list. Initial MRE is out, 43-101 coming out in a couple weeks. When final metallurgy is out in Oct, the cueq will be very high imo. Could be the largest mine in Canada. Majors should be all over this one I think

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Recent dip in FCX piqued my interest, but not yet, not yet.

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The situation is substantially similar for other essential metals and minerals. For plenty of figures, see the videos I recently summarized here : https://mfioretti.substack.com/p/no-petroleum-and-minerals-no-problem

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Barrick has lots of copper these days.

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You have articulated since the inception of your blog that we are headed for a global bust. Most of us agree with that assessment.

Let's divide the future into three phases:

Phase 1: entering global bust.

Phase 2: global bust.

Phase 3 post bust.

I can understand building a Cu portfolio during the bust and post bust periods.

But it makes no sense to me to hold Cu if we are entering a bust. Please explain.

Just as a side bar, a few years back I was working in Sichuan not far from the Tibet border. Each day we would pass rows of houses with big red signs with black characters on them hammered to the outside of each house. This was the government telling the locals that the houses were condemned and that they were free to strip the homes of their copper wire and piping. Given that China has built whole cities that will never be occupied, I wonder how many copper mines this equates to in the here and now.?

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The coming bust is definitely a big risk for commodities. In 2008 and 2020 stocks tanked and gold, silver and copper fell in sympathy. The same thing could happen in 2025. On the other hand, timing markets is increadibly hard, if not impossible. So here I'm trying to find the best long-term stories and help subscribers get in gradually, via low-ball bids and dollar cost averaging. For my own accounts, I'm adding to the best names a little at a time while keeping plenty of cash on hand (some of it in the form of put options) for bargain hunting at the bear market bottom.

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Thanks John, I appreciate your candor. Here is some from me:

The only thing the Harris/Walz team has going for it is that they are not Trump.

If Trump wins, there isn't one member of his party that would say poo poo, even if he was force feeding it to them. I'm not up for that.

The 4th Turning is here. The signs are everywhere. Just look at the choices.

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I have been nibbling at ounz since the start of the year, Any thoughts?



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Both ounz and "nibbling" are good. Buy a little on each dip.

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Copper prices tend to ebb during a recession, owing to reduced societal demand. Since pessimistic about the economy, I steer clear of copper miners at present.

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You may want to re-check your assertion. Commodity prices tend to stabilize and rise during recessions.

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Good stuff, or should I say lack thereof? I own Sprott etfs, and am willing to own more at this point. But wow, lotta Sprott on my pad!

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I have always been bullish on owning copper but the ETF would definitely be an option. Thanks.

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