..." [a] relative handful ... own[s] the housing stock ... " Here, John, the writer of this newsletter, is saying someting that we need to think about.

In my reading life, I am constantly encountering writers who fail to understand how polling says that people think it is a "poor" or "bad" economy, when the all the official numbers have another thing to say. But here we get some observations that tell their side of the story, so I like this quote as well: " the change happened in a statistically healthy economy "

This is a world where the entire economy was said to have recovered, after the 2008 credit crunch event, but then it turns out the entire recovery can be attibuted to the top 10% of the population. If they did not talk about that either, then the newspapers are telling us very little about the economic health of this country. So this is why you ask the typical person and you get remarks about who bad -not how good -the economy is.

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In the wild west people had bed rolls, looks like we're going backwards. When oil go's to $150 a barrel we will be there. Man made climate change is a pile of steaming horse sh!t. 🤣

All it is is more fraud, corruption, and theft by the Republacrats!

Dr Guillotine where art thou? 🤔

We need just 10 of your gadgets.

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Linked Michael's article earlier today from his website the Economic Collapse Blog which I have followed for years - http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/if-everything-is-so-great-why-are-millions-of-americans-sleeping-in-their-vehicles/

I urge everyone to follow that site or his Substack!!

Will be linking your article tomorrow as well, John @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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What is wrong with charging 600 k$ a year to rent out your house???? Ishan is living the dream and is quite happy living like Peter Rabbit. No one is forcing him to live in NY, he chose it.

Katie J chose to be a glorified babysitter. She belongs in a van. The self help industry is the biggest con in my lifetime.

In high school, I wanted to become an Antlerologist until my dad told me I'd probably end up living on a school bus with 10 other people. I chose something else.

If your mental capacity limits your skill choice, maybe you should consider Cody, Wy.

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Every election cycle, the big spenders are sent back to Washington over and over again.

My guess is no one sees themself as the problem, so I ask you, are you voting for an incumbent? I’m not….

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I'm an urban refugee from NYC, living in the rural mountain lakes district of WV. (moved here in mid 70's) Life is good here, real estate to live and work in is so inexpensive. My big beautiful house, my 12,000 sq ft of studio spaces would be unaffordable almost anywhere else. Just lately, I noticed an influx, a wave of "rent refugees" from cities landing here. A home, a place , a shop, where you can live and prosper is so important,,,even the RE taxes can price you out of the ability to own or rent in urban and suburban zones. We welcome, artists, craftsmen, farmers, musicians, poets, writers, entrepeneurs.... you can still afford to live in WV, while you market art to the wealthy economies surrounding us...WV is a beautiful Third World space within the USA....120 million live within 500miles of us....to me, a career artist, it's like SoHo (South of Houston street, the NYC art district) We're 500 miles south of Houston Street. From here I sell sculpture all over USA, all over the world (Pssst...we got internet folks!, that means you don't have to live in a grimey, crime ridden, smelly, expensive city in order to market your work) I give you permission to leave.

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We are seeing more RVs and campers on out-of-the-way side roads and parks too. Here, they appear to be mostly older people. It is a sad societal change that stems from rising housing costs as well as a breakdown in family relationships and proximity.

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I’m almost 60. My 28 year old daughter who’s a teacher still lives with her mom with not a prayer of purchasing her own home. My step son has recently moved back in to his mom’s and my home and an elderly friend periodically stays on a cot over nite in my auto repair shop so she can lay down and all the fluid doesn’t build up in her feet. The next Great Depression is already here.

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The new middle class. In the old days even the poor had a horse now only the rich have horses. It’s criminal what has been to the money of this country. God have mercy.

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That "job" will be advertised out of courtesy. You can bet that there is someone who has already been awarded the dosh and a big brown envelope will be heading someone's way. They must think we're all stupid🤦🏻‍♂️

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such a sad state of affairs. :(

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great dose of reality post…

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