If intermittent fasting caused heart attacks, we would not have not survived this long as a species. The brain dead sheep go along with this, because it is easier to just pop a pill. Fasting is hard. Working out is hard, especially as you grow older. Nobody wants to do hard things anymore, and they’re NGMI

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Great piece, John, some excellent material. Btw, your appearance on Kerry Lutz was some great stuff yesterday too. (Psst---Naomi Klein, not Wolf re: "Disaster Capitalism.")

Another ongoing oversight with Big Pharma is their incessant whining about R & D costs and how they drive the price of everything up to the consumer. Neglecting to disclose that it's all-too-often that the government provided the seed money (in the multitudes of $millions) in the first place.

The worthless but degenerative and deadly Remdesivir being a classic example of one; it's original $71 million R & D came from Uncle Sam (us.)

A real Fauci favorite that made such a splash a few years back. First used for Ebola, its track record was a 54% fatality rate from kidney failure if used over 10 days, iirc.

Gilead Sciences---U.S. / Israeli company, did rather well off it in a Pharma Bro kind of way circa 2020-2022.

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Covid awakened many to the perils of the medical sector. Since they can't be trusted to remedy health, prevention of medical problems from forming in the first place has become more important.

Vitamin D3 helps the body function better and boosts metabolism, so it serves to reduce weight.

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It could be they want a study so that Medicare approves it. That would take care of the cost issue.

A lot of the people involved in that approval process may be loads themselves and would like to get it for free. It's similar to AOC plugging for student debt relief so she can travel more on vacations.

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Intermittent Fasting (I choose 16 hours Fast, 8 hours Eat (anything I want)...IF devours visceral belly fat and triglycerides as main sources of energy needs during hours 14-16 (maximize by doing cardio walks) during the Fast!

Vast majority of people today are totally fat and disgusting. Plus they dress like pigs in a sty...being polite trying not to insult real pigs who are adorable compared to the human creatures wallowing out in public!

John, great article!

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Also there are some (like neurosurgeon Jack Kruse) who propose that obesity is tied to a lack of natural sunlight and our chronic exposure to blue light from screens, which screws up our carbohydrate metabolism, leading to obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorder. As Ryan below mentioned, being fat was rare not too long ago. Back in the 1950s & 60s, there was rarely more than one fat kid in any of my classes, often not even one. And fat adults were by far the minority.

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Thanks John. It seems our species, subject to 'food insecurity' over millenia, probably practiced 'intermittent fasting' whether they liked it or not, and if natural selection means anything, we are the result. Which means we are quite well-adapted to eating much less often than most of us do now.

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🤡 world. I keep my immunity strong by reflecting daily on how my grandparents lived and ate. Even the 80's when I was growing up wasn't bad partially because I think it takes a period of time for propaganda (food pyramid and the anti fat craze)to take effect. I actually don't remember many fat people around tell into the 90's. Then it did a Bitcoin move and now it's actually odd to not be fat.

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Going a long time without eating is not the same thing as deliberate, health-conscious fasting. As an analogy, suppose people who've recently been in a physical fight are more likely to use fentanyl. Does it follow that boxing leads to opiate addiction? Of course not.

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Props to you, John, for this one especially: “A cynic might view this study and its timing as a scam with two goals: Eliminating competition for Ozempic et al. and hiding the effects of forced covid vaccinations. Well played, Aristocracy.” 🥂

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