Yea I’m gonna say that was no drone that lit up the depot…it was supposedly hardened for even nukes…but I could be wrong…

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Desperation at the Con ex...whack, smack and yeaha...

Fed cut o,5 %..as expected, gold goes up 1 % / 26$ + the first hour. 2600 $ spot

smack....down 50$ to 2550 $ and miners go from + 2% to neg 1 % +

and this morning...EU time gold is up 1 % at 258x $

and silver up over 3 %

Should be a good day for the miners...again...))

I also think that the "made in the west" et al just lost its Brand value.

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I laughed out loud at your Not Normal closing. Great advice regarding referring to the Prepping section of the newsletter. We live in a time in which there is no longer any value placed on human life as shown by people who are disappointed that a former president hasn't been killed. Not normal regardless of your political views but more importantly a good indicator of things to come when global chaos occurs.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

The SKS (1st heard it was an AK-47 - no real difference in this scenario) was/is a 10-shot semi-auto rifle that is pre-AK47. It is seen clearly in the "Groupement Mobile 100" scene in the beginning of "We Were Sodiers". Uses the same cartridge -7.62x39 mm. It is an old semi-auto weapon first issued in 1945, designed by Simonov. In present day it can be equipped with red-dot or scopes with "after-market" mounts. A range of 440 yards is extremely optimistic and, succinctly, ludicrous. Assault weapons, as such, are for ranges 300 yards and closer and designed for maximum firepower during, well, an assault.

No serious marksman would employ such a platform for the task at hand. Once again, we see the forces aligned against Trump using decidedly sub-par personnel and equipment and hoping "it all just works out" to their advantage.

Neo-Cons are some of the stupidest people on the face of th planet since human-kind has existed.

Routh, the supposed unsuccesful "assassin" is, without doubt, a complete and utter moron, as are most "assassins" fielded by TPTB, once again highlighting the incredible narcissistic and delusional behavior of American Neo-Cons.

The source tells the story - the BBC - can't decide if the BBC is Der Sturmer, Der Angriff or the Voelkischer Beobachter. "a scope to magnify its lens." - what does that even mean?...it is completely non-sensical.

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Nazi Germans invented gas chamber, now the Zionist Jews have invented exploding pagers and other hand held devices …

I guess necessity is the mother of invention. Next, it be Palestinians’ turn to invent. Violence gives birth to more violence 😌

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Smartphones have made Americans Dumb Attention Deficits by Distraction. It's called menticide. Americans were smarter when they had Dumb phones because they had extensive conversations and dialogues with real people.

Today, it's all FAKE AI Images and Hollywood porn.

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Part of the craziness is you can’t really prep for things you can’t even imagine.

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no better time to ditch that handy little cellphone

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Info coming out on Benghazi. Watch it.


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If the Israelis can do this to pagers, I assume the Russians could do this to anyone's cell phone or laptop. Not a good thing for anyone that Israel put exploding batteries into the game.

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John can you write something on your prediction of the future of our gun rights?

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