Having true philosopher-kings is a nice idea. But the one thing Plato didn't work out to perfection was "how do we find those philosopher-kings in the body politic?" No matter the method used, there is always going to be a weak spot, a way for the corrupt to cheat their way in.

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Begin your analysis with the start of the Progressive Movement in the early part of the 20th Century. They are the ones who discarded the concept of the Constitutional Republic based upon citizen sovereignty in favor of government by academic elite class in the form of the Administrative State. The administrations of Wilson and FDR stand out as the seed bed of the new state sponsored terror against the American citizen. We have gone down hill from that point.

We, as a military actually did learn a lot from the Southeast Asian War Games (Second Place) and applied them successfully in subsequent quiet conflicts like Central America. The problem was not in tactical or operational applications but in profit potentials. These Small Wars just don't make a lot of money for the K Street Class. Much better to use strategic bombers against goat herders in Central Asia. Now we are talking big bucks.

But you are correct. The 'Expert Class' is a byproduct of Progressive thought and its consequence is the permanent bureaucracy. To see how that permanent bureaucracy becomes a perpetual money machine see Joseph Buchanan's work on Public Choice Theory. Got him a Nobel Prize because the committee did not see the inherent danger of critical thinking in his work until it was too late. Buchanan outlines how bureaucracies lose sight of their missions in favor of their survival and then supremacy. That is where the formerly great American Republic is now. The current wave of populism is simply the latest iteration of middle finger response by those of us who actually work for a living and have to pay for it all. My two cents. Thank.

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remarking on the vaccines, if one read's Charles Richet's Nobel Prize for Medicine, received in 1913, he clearly states that any foreign protein injected into an animal causes irreversible damage to the system. A hyper reaction to the protein or poison injected, and in many cases, disability and death. Eugenics was a very popular attitude among the rich in the first part of the 20th Century, and it is now even more so, to the point at which the military rolled out Operation Warp Speed and the media in one voice brainwashed the population to kill themselves. When Rockefeller and his henchmen formally began the medical cartel, they were well aware that vaccines would create customers, as well as cadavers, for life.

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There is ONE problem and only one! The problem is we use DEBT as money and its been that way since 1933. But it's worse than that because debt draws interest and the original debt creation has NO allowance for the interest so debt MUST grow to maintain stability! That my friends is a PONZI scheme.

If you look close I believe you can see the "green shoots" of inflation!

If you doubt what I say explain an amortization schedule. A mortgage of X on a 360 month amortization will consume the amount of the principle near the 185th month! That leaves 175 payments. Please explain clearly from where those proceeds come!

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great post John, but you missed the " staticians / BLS with all the fake numbers, that mis-direct most decisions & if the new Trump admin doesn´t fix that, then they will end up on..MARS...)

+ NO one fears...not A.I...but who is behind the " programming / and controlling the inputs..??

? If the democrats control A.I....why should the Republicans trust it...

and if the Republicans control A.i...are the Democrats going to trust it..??

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... and now the move to the Internet of Things and AI: two colossal failures in the making.

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The only true “victims” are those of their own beliefs. One can blame sociopaths but it goes both ways. After all, most of the “failures” cited were not necessarily imposed but tacitly allowed (accepted) by the masses.

For starters, “… the US embraced a 3,000-year-old idea from Plato’s Republic, in which the Greek philosopher argued that an ideal government would be run by the best possible people…”

“The US” presumably means ‘the people’. Personally, I think it also came from the idea that the “Founders” were implied to be genius, well-intentioned, statesmen. (For instance, George Washington rejected the power he was offered to lead after the revolution, etc.) Furthermore, much of US culture came from Britain which worshiped aristocracy so was a big reason Johnny and Jacky were so venerated. By extension, elitists were then considered the best leaders.

But the changes cited were not simply imposed. For example, monetary policy was changed in the US in 1971 because of the loss of gold reserves, or so the “elites” claimed, and was couched in patriotic terms. I’ll grant that most people didn’t understand the long-term “Pandora’s box” implications but they were satiated with higher government spending and entitlement programs.

Basically, they went along with the alleged advantage of having an unlimited money supply to do things that were previously too expensive. The same thing was done in WW I to fund that war. It would have been too costly, or impossible, without unlimited borrowing.

Globalization was also a bribe. As I recall as a kid, lower prices was the main argument for it. Sure, there were mumblings about job losses here but the desire for lower prices for everyone trumped the job losses for those in manufacturing. And prices did fall. The quality was lower so one could argue that there was actually less value produced, but a $10 lamp that might only last a year was more appealing than a $20 one that might last a lifetime. Besides, who wants to be stuck with a perfectly good lamp if one’s tastes change? Cheap and disposable replaced quality and repairability, and people accepted that culturally.

War and (imperialistic) foreign policy was also tacitly, if not actively, supported. No one seemed care about military bases all over the world, managing the affairs of anti-American countries, and the Americanization of other cultures. President Dub’Ya said it explicitly, ‘I think Iraqis would love to have democracy like here in the US [so that's why we're going to free them from the Taliban].’

Even as we speak many - if not most - Americans think Russia is imperialistic and “we" should protect Ukraine from invasion. We shall see what voters think if Russia is allowed to stay in occupied parts of Ukraine.

Additionally, one could argue that US policy regarding Israel is because of the Jewish lobby, and that so many US “leaders” are themselves Jewish, but rarely does anyone question that coincidence(?). Some claim the Jewish religion is itself imperialistic and elitist, but the subject is too loaded to discuss openly.

Public health is a particularly sensitive area because most are taught that their bodily health is largely outside of their control, so are forced to look to experts for guidance. It’s part of a whole system of cultural beliefs that have far ranging implications, but those psychological forces are internal in each of us, not imposed by others.

The true, lasting solution to these issues are changes in beliefs among the populace. Replacing the fanatical, sociopathic “leaders” would occur naturally, because different people would seek those positions and they would be elected.

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Perception is everything.

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"And until convinced otherwise, they’re not vaccinating their kids."

How's that working out for the Measles outbreak in Texas?

How's that working out for the Whooping Cough outbreak that hit Idaho?

No big deal, just a few dead kids. At least the parents won't get Measles or Whooping cough, they were vaccinated.

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you're uninformed

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Great post John:

You have described the CIA perfectly without mentioning them by name.


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Bravo John, and all because their former god as a supreme Creator was replaced by Mammon:

"The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke both quote Jesus using the word in a phrase often rendered in English as "You cannot serve both God and mammon." In the Middle Ages, it was often personified and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. Mammon in Hebrew means 'money'. The word was adopted to modern Hebrew to mean wealth." [Wikipedia]


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When were the experts right?

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Ask me one on sport!

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Wholeheartedly agree.

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Antisemites are labeled such as they reveal untoward truths about a certain culture.

So who is it that can't be trusted? The Talmudic culture has antihuman tendencies. So they can't be trusted. I don't believe we should permit secret societies. By their nature secret societies are not to be trusted. Else why would they have such things as "secret oaths?"

Ironically a black man named Reggie Middleton has invented patented truth machines that terrify those who can't be trusted.

The DOGE team is revealing money-grabbing secrets. Up next the Pentagon followed by Federal Reserve audits. The more we learn who can't be trusted, the more we will want something that guarantees honest transactions sans middlemen (who can't be trusted).

Veritaseum is Latin for truth. Reggie has four DeFi patents in Japan and three and counting in the US. The SEC stole Reggie's VERI tokens from him via lawfare. It was a matter of those who can't be trusted covering for those who can't be trusted.

However, the plot has thickened. It has been determined that the prosecution's main point of their case was later found to be not true. But instead of inform the Judge, the plaintiff BAR attorney kept the evidence hidden. This is a breech of protocol. There will be a review. Hopefully the decision will be reversed and Reggie's tokens returned. Then he can return to his business of suing patent violators.

If we can overcome the untrustworthy parasites, we can save our freedom. Reggie's patented DeFi is the best chance for monetary freedom that we have. Patented smart contract peer to peer transactions. That is my hope, and it should be our expectation.

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If you start with a gang of parasites running an extortion racket called Taxation, a counterfeiting racket called Monetary Policy, monopoly rackets called Intellectual Property and Licensing, a just-in-case slavery racket called Conscription, and a brain-washing racket called Public Education, why would you be surprised when - after a century or so - you end up with a totalitarian open-air insane asylum?

See "The Nature of Evil: Centuries of Parasitic Philosophy" available on Amazon.

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Exactly. Note that these kinds of things occur, in one form or another, in all political systems and cultures. The common thread is anti-social psychology.

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Actually I think the common thread is Psychopathy, as in "psychopathic psychology." Still anti social, but so much more when characterizes our leaders.

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Why guess at reading minds when we have a system that invites people to steal while pretending to be altruists? If you drop money on the street, the people nearest to it will pick it up. Graduates of Yale and Harvard are the people nearest to the money pile called government. They are acting rationally. They are called Leaders.

The mental problem is in the victims who believe in allowing themselves to be robbed. Religion taught them that self-sacrifice and faith are virtues. They are called Patriots and Voters.

Everyone needs to realize that government is not a good idea being done poorly. It is an evil idea being done thoroughly.

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The reminder that self-sacrifice and meek obedience are virtues is the Christian symbol of the great leader nailed to a cross.

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A nailed up leader is hardly leading by example.

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"Graduates of Yale and Harvard are the people nearest to the money pile called government. They are acting rationally. They are called Leaders."

No. They are acting psychopathically if they ignore the societal context.

"The mental problem is in the victims who believe in allowing themselves to be robbed."

No one consciously allows themselves to be robbed, but sophists can certainly make a good pitch otherwise.

"Religion taught them that self-sacrifice and faith are virtues. They are called Patriots and Voters."

So? There are both individual and group requirements for a healthy society. Religion not required. It's why both Right and Left exist perpetually.

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They are not ignoring the societal context. They are seeing it clearly and taking advantage of it. The societal context is one of faith in authority.

They most certainly do consciously allow themselves to be robbed. They call it "paying their taxes".

"Psychopathy" refers to sick thinking. But defining immorality as a sickness rather than a choice, reduces the moral culpability of the parasites.

There are no "group requirements" because there are no groups. Only individuals exist and have requirements. Collectivist thinking only confuses moral thinking.

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"They are not ignoring the societal context. They are seeing it clearly and taking advantage of it."

"Taking advantage" in societal context is most often a use of power by strong against weak. It's doubtful a majority support the behavior described. (If you are not a small-d democrat and so do not value majorities' opinions, please state which societal form is your preference, and we can switch gears on that.)

"The societal context is one of faith in authority."

That's merely one piece of the puzzle. For their faith to be valid, the believers need to have accurate and sufficient information to support their opinion, and then accurate opinions can be measured. But far too often, they don't. They don't here. In the US, we are at historical lows of faith in authority. Why do you think?

"They most certainly do consciously allow themselves to be robbed. They call it 'paying their taxes'. "

You lost me on how the "robbery" characterization expresses a universally- or even majority-held negative moral attribute about taxes. (It certainly isn't a positive claim that makes much sense, as 'robbery' defined in law identifies other kinds of actions.) The Left supports taxes as a structure to enforce fairness, and the Right often opposes them as an attack on freedom. Both are normative.

" ' Psychopathy' refers to sick thinking."

It refers quite specifically to *selfish* thinking. It's normatively characterized as "sick" because it is very narrowly-held (2?-5? %), and in direct conflict with the widely-held range of empathic (generally, unselfish) values.

"But defining immorality as a sickness rather than a choice, reduces the moral culpability of the parasites."

Again, let's keep the normative and the positive clear: "Selfish" and "unselfish" are initially descriptions (positive claims). "Immoral" is a normative claim. "Sick" is a positive claim that refers to health, and "parasite" is also a positive claim that refers to inter-organism relationship, but both often have a strong negative normative-judgment connotation.

"Only individuals exist and have requirements. Collectivist thinking only confuses moral thinking."

Groups with congruent goals most certainly exist and function productively, but you seem to be hung up on the fact that they don't constitute a single brain.

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Right. (I was using "anti-social" as an informal and more general substitute for "psychopathy and sociopathy", which I mention elsewhere here.)

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The money changers are at the heart of the problem. But, Reggie Middleton has invented and received multiple patents for DeFi. That is our best way forward if we want a fair monetary system.

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Gold has worked for all of history and does not need a patent. A Patent is a monopoly awarded by parasites to parasites.

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True. Reggie has proven his technology works to compliment precious metals.

After all, we are not going to walk around 15 minute cities with pockets full of gold are we.

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You won't need a pocket full of gold. At 20,000 to (?????) per ounce 1 gold piece will be sufficient. It sure will beat the next guy pushing a "wheelbarrow full of Benjamin's"

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How will you make change?

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and blockchain is a totalitarian control method, nothing more.

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There is nothing wrong with paper (or plastic) money that is backed by gold. The problem is always that the parasites running the banks cannot resist counterfeiting (unbacked paper) and the parasites running the government cannot resist making it legal to do so.

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So, it is up to us to reject unsound "money." Else we have no right to complain.

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Well that is like saying that we cannot complain about government because we do not reject it. The problem is that we were all born into this system and government has grown to be an extremely powerful gang of parasites put in place by our ignorant or foolish (both?) ancestors, So it is seriously difficult to reject it now.

But you are right. We must eventually reject tyranny, including counterfeiting. By what steps remains a puzzle to be solved. But we have the right to complain even if we fail to solve that puzzle.

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I'd wager it's not this type of meritocracy (essentially, technocracy), nor even the type of political system, that are the route sources of the problem here. Instead, I'd look for psychopaths and sociopaths, people with abnormal anti-social personalities. Unfortunately, too often they are the ones who always rise to the top (iron law of oligarchy), no matter what the setting.

Our finally getting serious about identifying, containing, and where possible, rehabilitating, them in all walks of life is really (at least part of) the way forward.

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There is a certain culture that breeds psychopathy with their Talmudic morality. And of course we have secret societies that are by their nature antihuman. As keeping secrets is an antisocial practice.

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Extremely Prescient!

Keep Going…And Get This Gold Re-Value and associated Trump moves into a form that “We Muppets” can action.

With Appreciation.

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