We should find out what, if anything, the BRICS+ has in store for us in late October.

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But,...but....but how can you let Armstrong into the America hating conspiracy mongers club if he doesn't believe in the Great BRICS Currency conspiracy???

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We are a big tent doomsday cult.

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Vlad is grateful, and he's writing big checks. Cash in now!

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Martin Armstrong is a name everyone ought to follow. He knows the details, but few others do.

Thank you for spreading awareness of his unique insight and rare, lifelong experiences.

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He DID recommend prepping already a year or so ago. As well in a more recent interview on usawatchdog.com

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Thought provoking analysis.

Thank you for sharing all this John.

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I love guys like Martin Armstrong. Jim Rickards is entertaining as well. But I have to say I'm getting a little tired of predictions these days. They either never come to pass or do so so slowly that they're anticlimactic.

And I'd actually like some of his predictions to come true. For example, I would love to see the dynamics of drafting illegal immigrants, especially if there's a world war going on so it's like a death sentence. Would the Dems and their base demand a wall to keep them in until they're flown away?

And the bit about a “war President” never being replaced. Does that mean Kamala is so Joe-like they’re close enough for government work, or that Joe gets re-elected after all? I’ve never heard Kamala’s opinion on war, but if that’s not one of her values then …

I also find interesting his equivalence of “neocons” and “progressives.” I really don’t see that one. If neocons were running things there wouldn’t be odd balls in the military and gangs allowed to take down statues of historical military men. Only generals can do that.

Continued inflation is an easy call, especially if you define it to mean the increase of the money supply. That basically has never not happened, ever. Liquidity trumps all fundamentals.

I’ll believe “the European banking crisis” when I see it. I’m tired of reading about next month being the beginning of it.

And the “war cycle” keeps getting moved. The 4th Turning guys say it ends by 2026, but now we have to wait for it to even start!

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Such is the nature of snake-oil predictions.

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Great Read. Scary but Good.

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Regarding most influential neocons, just look at their religious faith and don’t call me antisemitic.🧐

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Everyone should read The Great Red Dragon published in 1890. It is available on archive.org.

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One need only look at this year's candidates to figure out where we are headed, no lotus spreadsheet required.

The guy is a nothing burger.

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“So, as we blunder into WW III while running one of the most bizarre and least trustworthy elections in American history…”

You have got to be kidding me.

Because one A—HOLE says it’s true does not make it so. Get a grip!

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War. What is it good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! 🎵

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+1 word of the day :)


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Thanks for the summary, couple of points:

1) Armstrong has recommended prepping, hard-core prepping actually. He recommends having enough food and water for 2 years.

2) He has recently stated multiple times that you now want to be out of stocks for one to 1.5 years, until the end of 2025 to early 2026, then buy back in for a major bull run.

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He said we will have a double reversal in Sep. I don't recall him saying wait 1-1/2 year.

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In one of his most recent interviews he said this.

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Been following him too, crazy accurate

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Ya, he really nailed who blew up the Russian pipeline.

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Nailed it? Only if you call being completely wrong "nailing it".

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Yes, I thought everyone knew that he missed that one by 3 converted touchdowns and a field goal.

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Sounds about right. This is a good article to save yall.

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