Keep sharing your thoughts on any subject, John. It’s always insightful.

The ‘stay in your lane’ trend is disparaging, as if people’s opinions on other topics have no value.

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John, I'm happy and grateful to hear your opinions about any topic.

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thank you John for your comments which are soo welcome during a period of crisis and warmongering mainly provoked by the US GB and the rest of Europe. We need to have people like you and plenty of others who dare express wrongdoing within our society. Lets work towards eliminating of institutions like the FED, NATO, UNO, WHO and plenty of other deep state organisations. Go ahead John with comments and personal impressions which are deep right. We need you and all the others in order to face all those which are lying at us and are trying to exploit us and keep us silent.

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I am looking forward to the books that will be written In 5 or 10 years that will discuss what happened from 2015 to 2025 in much of the world. The current Measles outbreak in Portland is just the beginning. How many kids will die from diseases we thought had been eliminated? How many kids will get polio because "vaccines are unsafe"? Idaho's vaccination rate for kids entering kindergarten is 81%, the national average is 93%. It seems 19% of parents of Kindergartners are begging for an outbreak of diseases that they themselves never had to deal with. Yes, I know, it might not happen, except...just yesterday the Portland State Vikings had to cancel a game due to whooping cough. So far in 2024, Southwest Idaho had 171 cases of Whooping cough. In 2023 there were 10 cases, 2024 isn't over yet so I am going to take a wild guess and say there will be more than 171 cases in 2024. How many infants will require hospitalization? Will any die? From a disease easily preventable with a vaccine.

So yes, in 5 or 10 years there will be some good books written by some pretty bright people on how mass hysteria caused roughly half the population to think they are the brightest people on the planet and rejected sound advise from people who really are smart in a variety of fields. Why did parents that got vaccinated as kids not vaccinate their kids? Why do people reject advice from people trained in highly technical areas because...they watched a dude on YouTube? Oh, and they saw data on the VAERS web site that said someone died after they got a vaccination shot. Yep, mass psychology is interesting.

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I didn't even mention the mass distrust of fellow citizens. Here is a link to what happens when you spread fear.


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It went up a lot but how liquid is the market ?

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Thank you for the insightful article.

I have not trusted food companies to provide nutritional food for a long time.

And now I see the how greedy for money the world has become. And Not just in the food business.

Perhaps it greed was always there but better camouflaged!

Now it seems flagrant and overt.

And what can we do but help each other and eat real food. It’s a start. Big Money will be grabbing all they can. Maybe Bitcoin can save us. I doubt it.

What happened to the philanthropists.

Like Carnegie.

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Anyone here buying platinum? I grabbed some this weekend

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I've been (pleasently) surprised lately that a few people who I didn't think were informed by any unofficial sources that they fear financial "bail-ins" (institutions just taking their money during a crisis.) That could mean more people than not are suspicious of some sort of "crazy" and "conspiratorial" thing and all those sentiments tend to lead to the same conclusions, and actions.

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Gold's day in the sun is coming. It's hard to argue against that.

" Wall Street has turned the markets into one big casino." I'd argue that crown belongs to Yellen. She will not allow a market correction and she has really delayed the onset of recession. All at the expense of debt.

But the greatest example of "eating the Pablum" has got to be Trump's red hats. That hate speech on Springfield should have sunk any candidate, but not Trump. He knows his base.

How many people went out and bought a MyPillow? I bet the red hat skew here is about 9 to 1. Zero technology and a big mouth wins every time.

Anyone else wondering why the national debt is off limits in presidential debates?????

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Anybody who tells you to stay in your lane simply reflects their ignorance of how the world works - www.crushlimbraw.com - and is the fundamental reason Western Civilization is up shit's creek.

This is a classic, Sir Rubino - and will be archived!

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John you have written some very good articles but this one is very high on my list, much needed and spot on. Very timely anf you connected the dots very well.

Thank you


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Larry LaGrone - Thank You John! Please keep telling it as it is and disregard the uninformed!

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Brilliant and more than likely the most all encompassing and succinct description of the Zeitgeist.

Thank you John

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Yes so true. Back in March/April 2021 as the silent "Shots" were piercing bodies I was standing in the kitchen of a property I was refurbishing and I listened to Boris johnson telling me to go get his "Dirty-water" injected into me. I researched and found out about side effects like a case of blindness and a BBC reporter dropping dead. All for a bad Flu! FU Johnson. After a brief feeling of panic I acted on this , it meant to me that the money and their finances were over and they were going for the endgame. Within 9 months I had left the UK, gone to Mexico to figure out what to do, came home. I cashed in my 28 year pension, sold assets. All of these decisons were not based on the economy or the S&P or interest rates or anything financial but purely on the fact that they were looking to kill me and many more. Crazy to say it. Funny how quickly you adapt to a situation that really is worse then the 3rd reich. But hey ho life is certainly more vital and interesting. People all around Have no clue what's really going on.

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Congratulations HS, on having what I call "coyote smarts". Somewhere along the line, you learned some survival skills. It's very rare to perceive the truth on one's own with critical thinking skills. It's even rarer for people to act on that truth.

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It takes some wide open eyes to come to that realization! Your Government is trying to kill you! They pretend there is some plausible deniability they can hide behind. It is a game changer when you understand the level of evil aimed at you as well as the very people around you calling you a conspiracy theorist. It is not theory.

Welcome to reality. It is harsh but the knowledge is your ally!

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all that foreign money pouring into Mexico has inflated everything there

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Good morning.

Interesting you get comments from the public to stay in your lane - on your own site. As the song says, Life is a Highway, it’s your site, pick any lane you choose. If these people would keep their emotions in check and take a step back, perhaps they’d realize that all of these things are connected and they actually are in the same lane. Whether you’re sharing your thoughts on how to minimize the surveillance State’s power over us; guiding us in preparedness topics; rejoicing in the truth finally being realized by much of the public that the clot shots, at best, were ineffective, at worst, are bioweapons; or gold and silver and miner advice - it’s all the same overarching topic. Which is, how we can better succeed in a world increasingly controlled by nefarious individuals and collectives in all spectrums- health, finances, sustainability (of ourselves and our liberties) and overall well-being.

So Bravo. Thank you. Drive it like you stole it.

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Mr. Rubino I love your calm and dispassionate approach in interviews,. Not sure if you have the time but, I was looking into buying some gold and silver. Does the Sep 18 fed meeting play into the price in your opinion? Do we see metals going up and up, or would you anticipate a big drop when the market drops. Thank you brotha

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Thanks Jake! My take is that it's impossible to time markets, so the best approach is to buy a little at a time (this is called "dollar cost averaging") and just let your holdings build up slowly. Good luck!

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Thank you John. God bless you sir

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