The better way forward is thorium-based nuclear power.

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all reactors leak. So no such thing a "wonderful clean energy ". It's as dirty or dirtier than any other form of energy. And far more dangerous and accident-prone.

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“'Financing the Tripling of Nuclear,' the meeting almost certainly marks a critical inflection point that will finally give investors around the world the confidence to pour much-needed capital into new nuclear deployment at scale."

I didn’t read the rest of the article, so I wonder what time frame we’re talking about? After all, “financial Armageddon” is supposed to be inevitable so if “big money” is investing big money in nuclear energy now that may be a hint about how significant they think a bursting stock and market bubble will be. Most wary investors are holding “dry powder” now, hoping or expecting a water shed event in the financial markets, not a time to invest.

Since “investors around the world” are needed to fund this effort it will be interesting to see how it’s marketed. I suspect an appeal to AI will be made since it’s supposedly so coveted, and AI needs power. That would be interesting because there is also a growing sense of foreboding about AI, especially the fear that it’s inevitable and there’s no clear way to stop it. Starving the beast could be one answer to that.

More generally, the response (whether purposeful or unconscious) could be a wholesale rejection of technology and the accelerating train it's become, at least the kinds that most directly affect information and automation. A social pressure cooker is brewing that is making the whole planet insane.

That may sound like a stretch but I wouldn’t be surprised. If enough anti-AI sentiment builds it could basically be put it on hold for the near future. It could all be part of the bursting of the “everything bubble.”

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"Financial Armageddon" is always just a few weeks away.

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