"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero." - George Carlin

There are so many corollaries, additions, permutations etc one could change that statement with, it is mind-boggling.

Not participating in anything fUSA.Gov says or does, regardless of what it is, is one thing I have done for years.

The SARS-CoV-2/COVID population reduction program has put many of us in an adversaial position with "our own government" - which it most assuredly, it isn't anymore.

Not necessarily a choice to be a "criminal", per se, but certainly an outlaw. The latter isn't hard, since the "rule of law" died a long time ago in this benighted country.

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we are simply doomed!

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Ok, now that we are doomed, what will rise out of the ashes of the greatest civilization in the history of the universe?? Will it be a worthless, tepid pile of crap like it is right now? If so, then leave it in the ashes.

Come on. We are American Men and Women. Surely, we can figure out how Americas' Greatest Generation did it. Some of us were even alive when they saved the world. Our Mothers, Fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Aunts and Uncles gave all of their blood sweat, tears and their life to make America great, for us their descendants.

We need to organize in our communities with like-minded America loving people. How about 10 commandments of action, for America? Someone pick up this baton and add your own 2 cents.

A ground swell by our citizens, and the power of large numbers will be our weapon. Hell, hath no fury like an American Patriot who is fed up with lawlessness and has had enough nonsense from our putrid government. I have some ideas, what are some of yours?

But now, I have to go walk my Pug Lola. You know the saying, "whatever Lola wants Lola gets." Now I have to fill my pockets with treats. Obey the Pug!

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As you said, America's "Greatest Generation ... gave all of their blood sweat, tears and their life to make America great, for us their descendants."

It's not that complicated. Americans need to stop 'feeding the beast' in the many ways it does so. Financing government spending by the "investment" in bonds, stop using "social media platforms" (aren't juvenile names like Twitter and Facebook and Tok Tok, etc. obvious tip offs?), and canceling all but the most basic TV subscriptions, among other things.

That is all what I consider passive resistance, but unless many just haven't figured that out they can't even make those "sacrifices".

The Covid scam was more of an acid test that called for active resistance. "Covid" didn't make any one do anything, it simply forced them to make a choice and too many capitulated and acquiesced. "But I'll lose my job!" , et cetera.

How about losing your freedom and liberty, and maybe even your life if the "vaccine" doesn't agree with you?

Hopefully, people just need an attitude adjustment so they see things more clearly and existentially - and get some balls as a result.

There is power in numbers, and frankly - historically - only about 3-4% of a population is enough to make a difference.

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Isn't it the fear of a godless, massively psychotic, unperturbed collusion of two political ideologies that we must confront today? Fascism in tow with the heartless, godless, Marxist agenda, each so extreme they're hardly indiscernible. It's the overt expression which we've all witnessed over the course of many years now, that allows the perpetuation of the MSM COVID narrative, where millions died without affecting any moral response, en masse. This fear induced by fascism caused the acceptance of the vaccine and the rife Anti-Semitism now, as everyone struggles with their own complicity while scapegoating the “other”. It is the obvious product of two prevailing ideologies today, amidst global excess death, that keeps the world in a fascist lockstep: namely latent, nihilistic Nazism, resurfacing in Britain (as I have experienced as a Targeted Individual and describe) and the Radical Islamic agenda, under Obama; they are gouging out a placehold–a stranglehold–in American and European minds, concomitantly, and in collusion. These are silent (somewhat), respective, yet colluding coups, which I detail, based on my experience as a Targeted Individual (a TI), culled under the Nazi-spawned CIA. I know fear. It's the subliminal fear created out of these movements that caused the conformity which birthed the acceptance of the vaccine, whereby millions of deaths ensued, and it will be perpetuated again, as we see in the creeping avian flu, or “Disease X”, if left unchecked. It must be this climate of fascism which induces the conformity and lockstep, beyond the godless hubris which has besotted our nations, and now also threatens the existence of Israel. I challenge you with an eschatological account about God’s plan in these days–to bring us back to a place where we can recognize one another again; to hopefully gain a stronger hold on the hearts of men, our onus as rational, thinking, sentient beings which must reconcile with their conscience (as bestowed by God)--this from the perspective of faith from the fringe, from a TI “conspiracy” theory. https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/the-co-infectious-coinciding-nazi?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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they and their agenda will fail after much more drama.

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Sad. Freedom under attack 💯. Tucker’s recent podcast with Erik prince touches on these topics at the end. Worth a listen as well.

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Yes - we the people are enemy #1 of this administration & it’s corrupt agencies.

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