Desalination is a valid approach, though the best solution must be holistic.

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Deliberalization is the only remedy! These people are worse than useless!

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How about we use aqueducts to move water from locations with an abundance where flooding is a problem ? For nearly 50 years Big Oil has moved liquids from The North Pole.

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Flamingo and Jones in South Nevada last rain April, 2024

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This is a timely piece given the apparent new national can-do, "common-sense" attitude. In theory there could be a wholesale change at the administrative level in California that could lead to better policies and agendas, but that remains to be seen. Historically, changes are only made when they have to be, not by responsible choice.

But maybe this time is different and this "Trump movement" is for real and will have staying power. I'm still on the fence about that. It's also possible that most of the people who care and would have the wherewithal to make changes have already left CA, or are will be.

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Good ideas don't matter in california governance.

California just isn't going to do anything with desal.

the leadership would rather die than encourage human growth on the coast

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OK, but look at the water that Ca wastes saving bait fish that could be raised in hatcheries by the billions? And, in stead of tearing down dams CA could build more in the Sierras which would create more recreational facilities and provide additional water for such things as fighting fires, farming, irrigating the lawn and so on. And CA could begin taking care of the forest and rebuild forest service roads needed for logging and providing forest fire breaks?

And retiring perfectly good nuclear generating facilities and putting up wind mills and solar collectors is pretty much insane, IMO. AZ and NV should have first dibs on the h2O that flows through their aqueducts and all they have to do is claim it, IMO I would support raising cotton over saving bait fish all day long. JMO, my water bill is going up and I can pay it.

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If you want to see how well desalination works, head over to Aruba or take a fishing boat out of San Diego for 4-7 days. The water is very drinkable. They were talking about desal plants all up and down the Cali coast a few years back but would rather spend there money housing illegals and TRYING to destroy Trump.

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tks for post

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I travelled across Uzbekistan 7 years ago ... we had a guide along in the car on one segment of the trip and I mentioned this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea

He was aware of that and we later stopped and he showed us a river stating there was plenty of water for the cotton that is grown in that country.

I said that the river looked rather anemic... and that it looked as if it was on its last legs as a water source

Oh no he said - the river is very strong ... the water will not run out ....

Ah but .. the Aral Sea and the sources of water that filled that basin ran out.... so...

Oh no - this water will not run out....

People will not see.... what they do not want to see... even if it is right in front of them...

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I went through Phoenix in 1975. They were farming cotton in a field at the end of the street where my aunt lived. I thought it was crazy then. It's even crazier now to farm cotton in the desert.

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Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.

The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.

We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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