Are a lot of you selling your stocks before the end of the year and just paying higher capital gains taxes? I was planning to wait till early January to sell more stocks but I'm worried there could be a big crash before then. What are others doing?

I'm not selling all my stocks but don't think the market like it did after previous big crashes

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you could consider hedging with options. Buy puts for the downside and sell vertical call spreads to help pay for the "insurance"

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FBI is adding 900 people a day (likely a low reality of the truth) to the Domestic Terrorist list. The last six years boast an increase of just over 150,000 Americans since 911 with the hurried adoption of the Patriot Act to protect those same citizens to over 2 million and growing. This list is national security, unlike the southern border, and therefore top secret even from those added to the list to create chaos, confusion, disparity, deprivation, a slew of mental disorders, deaths by suicide and crime against others phenomenon (unexplained), military research subjects, and an easier transition to reform the US Constitution as an aside constraint that all industry must contract with Big JOE and the rest to follow or be beheaded. Have a nice day. Oh, and how do you get on the list? Easy just piss someone off or have something someone wants. The definitions written up as legislation not by any judicial or executive branch but by the unauthorized authority of the FBI is general to the extreme all the better to protect and serve you up for dinner. How do you get off the list. This is more defined. NEVER.

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I loved the Art of the Collapse. So comical, sad, and all true.

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Thanks. Great post! It covers the reality of things, with a nice sense of humor.

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Good post! And not ones that are recycled by everyone. Loved the one about lesser of two evils..sent this one and the one about cycle of democratic REPUGlics to some Trump cultists!! LOL

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Great combo! Thanks!

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Crushed it. Thank you

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Thanks for the Laughter, sarcasm, hyperbole, truth. It is good to be armed with humour and ……

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Rubino’s Substack - where whiners go to whine.

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Wtf are you whining about?

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Reflexively purveying negativity for its own sake

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It would be fun to have subscribers send in their favorite memes each week and see the top ten list on Fridays...

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Big thumbs up on these!

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