They hit awfully close, or on the target. Sigh...

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Don't know whether to laugh or cry? Thanks for the laugh part...enjoyed them.

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Nice collection John - keep them comin....g

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Great memes...a few made me laugh out loud. Thank you for these. I almost feel guilty laughing though when there are so many things at the breaking point.

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Hard to pick a favorite but 🍩 🔫

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Imagine if you will the laughter from ignorance, stupidity or intentional stupidity and blatant raping..

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Awesome fun!

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A+ Thanks John

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Toxic dreck, as usual.

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Love Meme day, thanks as always John. I reposted quite a few to facebook, cept the Cat ones, too sensitive for me as a cat owner, so it will be for others. But they were good!

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P Diddy meme had me lol

Honestly, thanks for the lulz.

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Aaahhhhh. Wait- I’m still laughing. Gimme a sec.

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